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Thu Dau Mot University at TIF@10 CDIO Forum, Singapore 2017

03/08/2021 08:48 — 2072

At TIF@10 CDIO Forum, Singapore, the Delegation of Thu Dau Mot University had successful presentation on the topic of Designing training programs for the Lecturers to meet harmony, positive study; brought opportunities on training about Design Thinking method for the School/

The chain of helpful activities about CDIO and new initiatives in education

Operated from 12 to 14/9/2017, at Singapore Polytechnic School, under the sponsorship of Temasek Foundation, Asian CDIO 2017 Forum with the attention of over 200 delegates from 12 countries such as Thailand, China, Bhutan, Mongolia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Vietnam, ... Thu Dau Mot University’s Delegation included 5 members with the Leader was Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Tuan Anh had time to attend effectively and brought new opportunities for the School.

The Forum was a special activity in the chain of programs celebrated 10 years of establishment of Tamasek International Fund Foundation, became the place to connect, exchange, learn each other of the leaders in the field of Asia education. The overall picture from the Forum this time was the share of CDIO journey of nations, at the same time, it introduced new initiatives such as Active Learning with Flipped class and Design Thinking-a tool of effective thinking in problem solving, which used human as the Center, aimed to improve the quality of learning to meet changing needs of modern industry and the new student generation.

The participants had the opportunity to listen to the experiences of successful CDIO,  Design Thinking applications or the combination of both these tools in many fields such as public administration (from Bhutan), occupational skills development (from Indonesia) , quality of education improvement (from Mongolia), marvelous architecture creation (from Singapore)… Especially, the journey in 3 days brought people to visit directly Singapore Polytechnic School, Commonwealth Secondary School,… to see the way of using CDIO and Design Thinking in design changing, operating, to meet the needs of the users.

In addition, in this journey of the Forum, with the help of the excellent experts in Design Thinking, the participants also were guided to practice applying this tool in solving problems of their organizations. With the principle “Think big, Start small, Act fast”, through the experiences after 3 days after attending, meditated the actual conditions and challenges that our units have to pass, from that we could propose suitable solutions with the needs.

Share of the Increasing lecturer’s capacity training, to open new opportunities for the School

In the third working day, Thu Dau Mot University had an impressive presentation in 15 minutes about the experiences and the challenges of implementing the Increasing lecturer’s capacity training program to meet harmony study, direction changing at School. Accordingly, from 2011, with the desire to maximize the positive properties of the learners and the teachers, the School promoted the principle of teaching-learning “Taking the learning as the center”, tried the best to search and apply the advanced teaching methods, based on the experience foundation and actual conditions of the School. From 2015, with the initiative of CDIO application, not only in industry sector but also in social sector, the School had the honor to admit to CDIO organization in the world, opened many opportunities to reach the models, the new education methods. At this forum, in the presentation, Thu Dau Mot University shared experiences to  implement Increasing lecturer’s capacity training programs as ISW (Instructional Skill Workshop), onCDW (online Course Design Workshop), ASW (Assessment Skill Workshop),... The training courses were geared towards the common goals: changing the traditional classes, moving from passive to active; applying technology to exploit the maximum learning time in and outside the classroom, meeting the harmony education philosophy, which was pursued by the University.

This presentation got the interests, exchanges and learns of the other delegations,  proposed Thu Dau Mot University to share, communicated in the upcoming cooperation opportunities. Besides, with the spirit and desire to update the new educational methods, the Delegation of Thu Dau Mot University boldly proposed with the representative of Temasek Foundation, with the experts about Design Thinking to be trained professionally about this method for the Officers-Lecturers of School.

After the CDIO TIF @ 10 Forum, the local CDIO Forum will be held at Duy Tan University-Da Nang on May 2018, and the worldwide CDIO Forum will be held in Kanazawa, Japan on June 2018.

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