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Learning and sharing the experiences of CDIO implement

03/08/2021 08:48 — 2463

Last week, Thu Dau Mot University joined the summary activities to share experience of CDIO implementing at the Closing Conference on CDIO project of HCMC National University and Institution of American Education (IAE).

Presentations at the Closing Conference on CDIO, period 2010-2017

On Dec 12, 2017, the Delegation of Thu Dau Mot University, with the leader was Dr. Ngo Hong Diep-Vice Rector, participated in the Closing Conference on CDIO, period 2010-2017, which was celebrated by National University of HCMC. The Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huynh Thanh Dat-Rector of HCM National University, with the leaders of school members of the universities, which were implementing CDIO proposal, joined and presided the Conference.

In the five titles, which were presented at the Conference, Thu Dau Mot University was the only outside of national universities, were invited to report on “Strengthening the teaching ability of Thu Dau Mot University’s lecturers through the regular training strategy at School”. Thu Dau Mot University’s representative, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Duc Nguyen Loc-Director of Strategy Institute presented the content of speech about positive and harmony educational philosophy based on the principle of taking the education as the center, through the application of capacity building tools for the lecturers as ISW (teaching skills), the FDW (co-ordinate skill), ADW (assessment skill), OnCDW (online course design). The programs that were deploying by School to meet the performance standards of CDIO, especially standards 8, 9, 10.

In the concluding remarks at the Conference, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Hoi Nghia-Vice-Director of International University of HCMC confirmed the practical effects, which were brought by CDIO in quality improvements of the Universities. The Conference unified to continue deploying CDIO project in the new conditions, associated with the industrial revolution 4.0.


Sharing experience on CDIO implementation with Institution of American Education (IAE)

In the morning of Dec 06, 2017, the members of Institution of American Education (IAE), Dr. Hoang Anh Tuan Kiet-Vice Rector of Thanh Tay University with the leaders of IAE as Vietnam-American College, Encyclopedic Intermediate School came and worked with Thu Dau Mot University. To welcome the Delegation, there were Dr. Ngo Hong Diep-Vice Rector, Leaders of Strategy Institute, Quality assurance, Undergraduate Training, Science and Technology Faculty and the experts on implementing CDIO at School.

Speaking about the goals of the meeting, Dr. Anh Kiet said the Institution of American Education (IAE) seriously considered the development of the program oriented CDIO as the guideline, which brought the survival of the Unit. Consequently, the members of the IAE proposed a group of officials to learn and study about how to use CDIO from the Schools that had used it successfully. Among of them, Thu Dau Mot University – the member of worldwide CDIO organization from 2015-was one of the impressive School with fast and strong development, especially, applied effectively CDIO in the development process, as well as the enthusiastic support for other Units.

Reciprocated the trust of IAE, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Tuan Anh, on behalf of experts made CDIO presented the experiences on CDIO implementation at School. Accordingly, CDIO was an important tool to meet the central goals: auditing, performing the core commitment (ensured the quality). In the way of letting CDIO in operating practices, the School went by both directions at once: from the top down and from the bottom up, in particular, from the fiercely made of the leadership and from the insight of the teaching staffs.

Through the testing, applying, improving process, the School distilled and determined 2 effective methods today to meet the standards of CDIO were E-learning and advanced spiritual programs/Lecturer’s teaching skills. After the learning and exchanging the 2 methods, IAE members desired Thu Dau Mot University would transfer technology or training for IAE on ideological subjects based on E-learning tools, organize the training course ISW, FDW, ADW, ... for the IAE’s Lecturers.

At the end of the meeting, IAE’s representatives hoped that the School leadership of Thu Dau Mot would accept the proposals of the IAE, willing to cooperate and support the IAE in the process of applying CDIO.

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