To welcome the delegation, there were Dr. Le Tuan Anh-Head of Faculty of Information Technology, Dr. Nguyen Thanh Binh-Head of Faculty of Resources and Environment and MA. Le Dinh Phu-Deputy Head of Faculty of Economics
On behalf of Thu Dau Mot University, Dr. Le Tuan Anh expressed his joy to welcome Mrs. Audrey Kon, as well as to introduce about the program and the training scale, the exchange activities, the school's international cooperation. The Doctor said that the University was currently training 12 Master branches, among of them; there were some ology, belonged to the Economics, Information Technology and the Environment. With the desire of improving the quality of training, according to the international standards, Thu Dau Mot University appreciated the opportunities of cooperation with other universities in the world. With similarities in the training programs, the two schools exchanged together to progress the linkage of master training in: Information Systems, Environmental Science, Business Administration and Finance-Banking majors… to open the opportunities to study and experience internationally for students and enhance the School’s training quality.
As the representative of the University of Wolverhampton, Mrs. Audrey Kon thanked for the warm welcome from the School and looked forward to discussing specifically the plans and conditions of this cooperation. She said that the University of Wolverhampton had a history of over180 years with more than 23,000 students from 100 different countries, included 2,500 international students. Currently, the University is training university education and master degrees in these following specialties: Accounting and Finance, Architecture, art and Designing, Environmental Biology, Biomedical Sciences, Business and Management, Computer and Information Technology, Education, Health, Law, Sports and Tourism.
In the framework of the meeting, the two sides discussed specifically the linkage-training project, such as the program construction, teaching plans and some information about scholarship opportunities from the UK Budget. After this meeting, the two sides will continue urgently to complete the necessary procedures to expedite the signing of the cooperation memorandum.